  • Public
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Interface SimpleDependency<T>

Type parameters

  • T


  • SimpleDependency



Optional afterDependency

afterDependency: (context: ExecutionContext<T>) => Observable<any>

the logic to run after the simple dependency is executed

Type declaration

Optional afterEach

afterEach: (pathObject: any, index: number, context: ExecutionContext<T>) => Observable<any>

the logic to run after each dependency match is executed

Type declaration

    • (pathObject: any, index: number, context: ExecutionContext<T>): Observable<any>
    • Parameters

      Returns Observable<any>

Optional beforeDependency

beforeDependency: (context: ExecutionContext<T>) => Observable<any>

the logic to run before the simple dependency is executed

Type declaration

Optional beforeEach

beforeEach: (pathObject: any, index: number, context: ExecutionContext<T>) => Observable<any>

the logic to run before each dependency match is executed

Type declaration

    • (pathObject: any, index: number, context: ExecutionContext<T>): Observable<any>
    • Parameters

      Returns Observable<any>

Optional executionOrder

executionOrder: ExecutionOrder

a description

Optional maxConcurrency

maxConcurrency: number

the maximum current execution to run for matches. Default is unlimited

Optional name

name: string

a name or description for a dependency

Optional onDependencyError

onDependencyError: (error: any, response: SimpleDependencyResponse, context: ExecutionContext<T>) => Observable<SimpleDependencyResponse>

error handler for when this dependency execution had issue

Type declaration

Optional onEachError

onEachError: (error: any, response: SimpleDependencyExecutionResponse, context: ExecutionContext<T>) => Observable<SimpleDependencyExecutionResponse>

error handler for each execution against path object

Type declaration

Optional operator

operator: Operator

the operator to use when determining if this simple dependency is successful. AND: all execution against objects returned by path should be successful. OR: execution against any of the object returned by path should be successful.


path: string | ((context: ExecutionContext<T>) => Observable<any>)

path to locate the child element for evaluation if string is passed, it will be treated as a jsonata expression and run the rule for each match if function is passed, it will be executed. The response object will be the root for the child rule if async function is passed, it will be executed and awaited. The response object will be the root for the child rule


rule: string

a reference to the rule to be run

Optional when

when: string | ((context: ExecutionContext<T>) => Observable<boolean>)

an expression to determine whenever the dependency should be executed

Optional whenDescription

whenDescription: string

a description for the when expression.

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