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Interface CompositeDependency<T>

Type parameters

  • T


  • CompositeDependency



Optional afterDependency

afterDependency: (context: ExecutionContext<T>) => Observable<any>

lifecycle handler to run after the composite dependency has executed

Type declaration

Optional beforeDependency

beforeDependency: (context: ExecutionContext<T>) => Observable<any>

lifecycle handler to run before the composite dependency executes

Type declaration

Optional executionOrder

executionOrder: ExecutionOrder

whether the children rule should be evaluated in parallel or sequentially the default is parallel

Optional maxConcurrency

maxConcurrency: number

the max number of direct dependencies to be evaluate at a time default is unlimited

Optional name

name: string

a name for this dependency

Optional onDependencyError

onDependencyError: (error: any, response: CompositeDependencyResponse, context: ExecutionContext<T>) => Observable<CompositeDependencyResponse>

lifecycle handler to run when composite dependency encounters error

Type declaration

Optional operator

operator: Operator

the operator to use when determining if this composite dependency is successful. AND: all dependencies under rules should be successful. OR: any of the dependency under ruls should be successful.


rules: ArrayOneOrMore<CompositeDependency<T> | SimpleDependency<any>>

the composite dependency

Optional when

when: string | (() => Observable<boolean>)

an expression to determine if this dependency should run either a string or function that returns an observable is expected. if string is provided, it will be evaluated using jsonata against the root object of current execution context

Optional whenDescription

whenDescription: string

a description for when condition descript the scenario

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